Base: 250 gr Hobnobs
85 gr Butter
1 tbsp Nutella
2 tbsp chopped Hazelnuts
Top: 500 gr Mascarpone
Top: 500 gr Mascarpone
400 gr Nutella
300 ml Double Cream
1 tbsp sugar
Chopped Hazelnuts to decorate
1. Crush up the Hobnobs very thinly. Put the Nutella tub in the microwave for 40 seconds then remove and add one heaped tablespoon of Nutella to the biscuits. Add the melted butter and the chopped hazelnuts. Don't be stingy with your tablespoons! Mix it all up and press the mixture firmly into the base of a 22 cm cake tin with removable side. Put in the fridge for 20-30 minutes.